Many people don’t think about their lawyer all that often. They’d be wise to do so.

How much would it be worth to you to have access to a lawyer who uses insight, dialogue, and patience to come up with the best options – every time?

Hejm Vilsgaard Advokater is a firm of specialist business lawyers. We provide expert advice.

We deal with the legal challenges that companies face throughout the life cycle in stages such as startup, development, capital injections, and sale. We always keep an eye on the optimal exploitation of the commercial and strategic options that are permitted by the law. We want to be your sober and critical sounding board in the entire process.

We have customers in many industries and sectors, many of whom are innovative and knowledge intensive companies with a focus on growth. Our advice is based not only on our many years of experience as lawyers, but on previous positions in tax administration agencies and in the auditing sector.

We pursue numerous cases in the areas of taxation, VAT, and excise duties against the Danish tax authorities and provide consulting services for other lawyers and accountants who require our help with taxation and VAT.

At our offices in Aarhus and Vejle we work on the premise that solutions are better than conflict. Dialogue is our preferred tool. In combination with insight, empathy, and plenty of patience, it often produces the best results.

When reconciliation and mutually agreed solutions are not possible, we get on with managing the conflict at hand and pursue the case until a final ruling has been issued. This applies to cases against the tax authorities or other parties, regardless whether the case will be heard by administrative appeals authorities, by the courts, in an arbitration process, or by a complaints board.

We are member of Balms Group International (BGI). BGI is an international network of independent lawyers offereing legal solutions anywhere in the world. Read more about BGI here.