Purpose and legal basis for our processing of your personal data

Hejm Vilsgaard Advokater processes personal data from our website, from social media and from search engines, with a view to marketing our services to new and existing customers.

We base our marketing on consent.

We thus ensure that visitors to our website are not tracked until they have given us their consent to do so.

When advertising on social media and search engines, including LinkedIn, we have a technical dependency that the social media and search engine has obtained consent from users who are shown our communications, and that this consent fulfils in real terms the requirements that such consent must be voluntary, specific, informed and an expression of an unambiguous statement of willingness.

You can find the basis for our processing of personal data in relation to our marketing in article 6(1)(a) of the Data Protection Regulation.


Categories of personal data

We collect and process the following categories of personal data when you visit our website and when we advertise via search engines and on social media:

  • We process ordinary personal data.

When using search engines and social media for marketing purposes, we ensure that we do not process data that is sensitive in nature. We therefore only process geographical location, age, gender, place of work, education and similar standard personal data.


Recipients or recipient categories

We disclose or transfer your personal data to the following recipients, as required:

  • Public authorities if we have an obligation to do so.
  • The suppliers of our website and their subcontracted data processors.

Finally, Hejm Vilsgaard Advokater is unable to prevent the sharing of personal data for which we are data controller with the social media and search engines that we use in our marketing.


Disclosure to recipients in other countries, including international organisations

Insofar as is possible, we do not disclose personal data to recipients outside the EU/EEA. Social media databases are physically located all over the world, however. We are unable, for example, to guarantee that LinkedIn does not send personal data to the USA. The same also applies to personal data that is collected by the Google search engine, and which we use and are responsible for in our marketing.

As years go by, we anticipate that social media databases will be geographically located within the EU, together with personal data that is attributable to citizens within the EU itself.


The origin of the personal data we collect

The personal data originates from the visitors to our website and users who have an account with the social media on which our advertising and notices are presented.

When you visit the website of Hejm Vilsgaard Advokater, we thus collect personal data in the form of cookies.

Hejm Vilsgaard Advokater uses only technical cookies, statistical cookies and personalised cookies on our website.

We use third party cookies in the form of Google Analytics, which is a statistical cookie.

For more information about the various types of cookies, see below.


What is a cookie?

Cookies are used by virtually all websites.

Essentially, there are four types of cookies:

  1. Technical cookies: Technical cookies are necessary for the correct function of the vast majority of websites. They also ensure that you do not constantly disconnect from the website you are visiting. The use of technical cookies does not require consent.
  2. Statistical cookies: Statistical cookies are used to optimise the design, user-friendliness and effectiveness of a website.
    The collected data is included, for example, in analyses of the most popular information on the site and should therefore be easy to find in order to improve user-friendliness. Statistical cookies can also be used to collect visitor statistics through a simple count of the number of visits to a website.
    Statistical cookies are usually of very little to zero significance to privacy, as they do not record what we search for on other websites. Website owners are, however, required to inform about and ask for consent when using statistical cookies.
  3. Personalised cookies: Personalised cookies collect data by following us and collecting our digital footprints as we navigate a website. They are therefore also known as “tracking cookies”. This data about your movements is not collected for the purpose of marketing or sending you messages with offers and similar.
    Personalised cookies are used to deliver more targeted and relevant content on the website, such as in the form of suggested information and articles. Other users are shown different content on the website, because they are interested in something else. The content is selected on the basis of the data collected by personalised cookies about your searches, interests and clicks elsewhere on the Internet. Personalised cookies can therefore be seen as a service as you navigate the Internet.
    A website that collects information through the use of cookies in order to create personalised content must inform you of this and obtain your consent.
  4. Marketing cookies: When cookies are used commercially to target the advertising you are shown, these are known as marketing cookies.
    Marketing cookies collect information by following us on the individual websites in the same manner as personalised cookies. Marketing cookies are therefore also “tracking cookies”. The collected information is used to establish an overview of our interests, habits and activities, to show you advertisements that are of relevance to what you have viewed previously.
    Marketing cookies, for example, collect information that is used to remember the shoes, concert or electric drill that you looked at a couple of days ago.
    A website must inform you about and obtain your consent when marketing cookies are used.


Avoiding cookies

If you would like to avoid cookies completely, you must disable cookies in your browser.

Where you will find the settings to do so will depend on the browser you use. You should, however, be aware that if you do so, there may be services and features you are unable to use because they require cookies to remember what you select.

All browsers allow you to delete cookies from your computer, either individually or all at once. How you should do this will depend on the browser you use.


Storage of your personal data

We have internal guidelines for how long we can store all categories of personal data. These guidelines are determined in relation to the obligations to which we are subject in accordance with applicable legislation, including documentation and auditing requirements. See the following, however.

Documentation of your consent is stored for at least two years after the consent was last used.

Personal data from cookies on our website is stored in different blocks of time. Some cookie information is deleted when you are no longer using our website (session ends). Other cookie data is stored for years.

Personal data from social media is stored for as long as we are advertising on the particular social media, unless we are requested to delete it.


Automatic decisions, including profiling

We advertise on social media, including LinkedIn, for example, and using search engines, including Google. It is our understanding that, in this context, profiling is performed.

The logic behind profiling involves sending our messages to persons that the search engine and relevant social media deem to be most likely to have an interest in us.


Your rights

If you would like to exercise your rights, you will need to contact us.


Right to view data (right to insight)

You have the right to insight into the data that we process about you.


Right to rectification (correction)

You have the right to have any erroneous personal information about you corrected.


Right to deletion

In special cases, you have the right to have information about you deleted before the date it would be deleted in accordance with our general deletion policy.

When requesting deletion, we ensure as far as possible that personal data is deleted from the IT systems that we dispose over technically and that we use in our marketing.

If you require the deletion of personal data for which we share responsibility with a relevant social media, we will refer to the website of the social media platform, where a request for deletion can be requested, including the deletion of your account.


The right to limitation of processing

In certain circumstances, you have the right to have the processing of your personal data limited. If you have the right to limited processing, we may in future only process data (apart from storage) with your consent, or with a view to the determination, exercise or defence of legal requirements, or to protect a person or interests that are of important significance to society.


Right to object

In certain cases, you are entitled to raise an objection to our otherwise legal processing of your personal data.


Right to transmit data (portability of data)

In certain cases, you have the right to receive your personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and to have this personal data transferred from one data controller to another without hindrance.

You can read more about your rights in the Danish Data Protection Agency’s guidance on the rights of data subjects, which you can find at www.datatilsynet.dk.


Complaints to the Danish Data Protection Agency

You have the right to submit a complaint to the Danish Data Protection Agency if you are dissatisfied with the way we process your personal data. You can find contact details for the Danish Data Protection Agency at www.datatilsynet.dk.


The data controller – how to contact us

Hejm Vilsgaard Advokater is composed of:

Hejm Advokater P/S, Business Registration Number (CVR no.): 36944463, Søndergade 74, 5., DK-8000 Aarhus C .

Vilsgaard Advokater Advokatanpartsselskab, Business Registration Number (CVR no.): 31501083, Søndergade 74, 5., DK-8000 Aarhus C.

Effekt Advokatfirma I/S, Business Registration Number (CVR no.): 35289542, Søndergade 74, 5., DK-8000 Aarhus C.

Advokatfirmaet Bierregaard, Business Registration Number (CVR no.): 42190403, Søndergade 74, 5., DK-8000 Aarhus C.

You can contact the personal data compliance representative of Hejm Vilsgaard Advokater, lawyer Hans Henrik Bondegaard here: email: hb@hvlaw.dk / tel. (+45) 29133282